
[void][reflection.assembly]::Loadwithpartialname("Microsoft.Office.Server"); $site=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://site:8080/"); $serviceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $site; $site.Dispose(); $upm = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($serviceContext); $userProfile = $upm.GetUserProfile("ccc\can"); $userProfile.Properties | sort DisplayName | FT DisplayName,Name,@{Label="Type";Expression={$_.CoreProperty.Type}}
DisplayName Name Type
About me AboutMe HTML
Account name AccountName Person
Active Directory Id ADGuid binary
Activities I want to sh... SPS-PrivacyActivity integer
Adjust Hijri calendar b... SPS-AdjustHijriDays integer
Ask Me About SPS-Responsibility string (Multi Value)
Assistant Assistant Person
Birthday SPS-Birthday datenoyear
Choose your settings SPS-RegionalSettings-Fo… boolean
Claim Provider Identifier SPS-ClaimProviderID string (Single Value)
Claim Provider Type SPS-ClaimProviderType string (Single Value)
Claim User Identifier SPS-ClaimID string (Single Value)
Content Languages SPS-ContentLanguages string (Single Value)
Data source SPS-DataSource string (Single Value)
Define Your Work Week SPS-WorkDays integer
Department Department string (Single Value)
Department SPS-Department string (Single Value)
Display Order SPS-DisplayOrder integer
Distinguished Name SPS-DistinguishedName string (Single Value)
Don't Suggest List SPS-DontSuggestList Person
Dotted-line Manager SPS-Dotted-line Person
Email Notifications SPS-EmailOptin integer
Enable An Alternate Cal... SPS-AltCalendarType integer
Fax Fax string (Single Value)
Feed service provider d... SPS-FeedIdentifier string (Single Value)
First Day of Week SPS-FirstDayOfWeek integer
First name FirstName string (Single Value)
First Run Experience SPS-O15FirstRunExperience integer
First Week of Year SPS-FirstWeekOfYear integer
Followed #Tags SPS-HashTags string (Multi Value)
Hire date SPS-HireDate date
Home phone HomePhone string (Single Value)
Id UserProfile_GUID unique identifier
Interests SPS-Interests string (Multi Value)
Job Title SPS-JobTitle string (Single Value)
Language Preferences SPS-MUILanguages string (Single Value)
Last Colleague Added SPS-LastColleagueAdded date
Last Keyword Added SPS-LastKeywordAdded date
Last name LastName string (Single Value)
Locale SPS-Locale integer
Manager Manager Person
Master Account Name SPS-MasterAccountName Person
MemberOf SPS-MemberOf string (Multi Value)
Mobile phone CellPhone string (Single Value)
My Site Upgrade SPS-MySiteUpgrade boolean
Name PreferredName string (Single Value)
Object Exists SPS-ObjectExists string (Single Value)
Office Office string (Single Value)
Office Location SPS-Location string (Single Value)
Outlook Web Access URL SPS-OWAUrl URL
Past projects SPS-PastProjects string (Multi Value)
Peers SPS-Peers string (Single Value)
People I follow SPS-PrivacyPeople boolean
Personal site PersonalSpace URL
Personal Site Capabilities SPS-PersonalSiteCapabil... integer
Personal Site Instantia... SPS-PersonalSiteInstant... integer
Phonetic Display Name SPS-PhoneticDisplayName string (Single Value)
Phonetic First Name SPS-PhoneticFirstName string (Single Value)
Phonetic Last Name SPS-PhoneticLastName string (Single Value)
Picture PictureURL URL
Picture Exchange Sync S... SPS-PictureExchangeSync... integer
Picture Placeholder State SPS-PicturePlaceholderS... integer
Picture Timestamp SPS-PictureTimestamp string (Single Value)
Proxy addresses SPS-ProxyAddresses string (Multi Value)
Public site redirect PublicSiteRedirect URL
Quick links QuickLinks string (Single Value)
Resource Forest Account... SPS-ResourceAccountName Person
Resource Forest SID SPS-ResourceSID binary
Saved Account Name SPS-SavedAccountName string (Single Value)
Saved SID SPS-SavedSID binary
Schools SPS-School string (Multi Value)
Set Your Calendar SPS-CalendarType integer
Show Week Numbers SPS-ShowWeeks boolean
SID SID binary
SIP Address SPS-SipAddress string (Single Value)
Skills SPS-Skills string (Multi Value)
Source Object Distingui... SPS-SourceObjectDN string (Multi Value)
Status Message SPS-StatusNotes string (Single Value)
Time Format SPS-Time24 boolean
Time Zone SPS-TimeZone timezone
Title Title string (Single Value)
Use language and region... SPS-RegionalSettings-In... boolean
User name UserName string (Single Value)
User Principal Name SPS-UserPrincipalName string (Single Value)
Web site WebSite URL
Work Day End Hour SPS-WorkDayEndHour integer
Work Day Start Hour SPS-WorkDayStartHour integer
Work email WorkEmail Email
Work phone WorkPhone string (Single Value)

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